Thursday, 9 February 2017

How to play Youtube Videos in VLC Player

By suresh
Do You know about VLC media player. VLC player the world’s
favorite video player.It supports nearly every video format.Have you ever thought of playing youtube videos in VLC player? Yes, it’s possible.  We all know that Youtube is the famous site which provides thousands of useful videos for the users to see and enjoy it. If we want to see any video we just go to youtube and we watch the video.But what if we want to see Youtube the video in VLC player?

What are the benefits of  watching youtube videos in VLC Player  

1.we don't have no disturbance of adds.
2.we can increase or decrease the sound very easily.
3.we can use the loop button to watch the video again and again in many no .of times.

 Play youtube videos in VLC.

Learn how to play youtube videos in vlc player.

To see youtube videos on VCL player. Just follow these simple steps.
step 1: Open the VLC player.
If You open the vlc media player, You can see the below screen
step 2: click on File, then new network or (Crtl+N)
If You click (Ctrl+N) You will show below screen in vlc player
Step 3: Now You go to YouTube and copy the URL of the videos that you want to see.
vlc y1.jpg
step 4: Go back to vlc player and paste the URL and click on Play.
vlc ply.jpg
That’s it! Then You can enjoy youtube videos is playing in vlc player without an extra Web browser.
I hope you have learned How to play youtube videos in VLC Player. If you like this article, then feel free to share it with others.

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